Together Growing in Faith Together Growing in Faith Together Growing in Faith Together Growing in Faith Together Growing in Faith Together Growing in Faith

Growing in every way more and more like Christ (Eph 4:15)

Membership Information

Together Growing in Faith Homeschool Co-operative is a Christ-centered inclusive co-operative available to home schooling families of all Christian denominations.

We currently have a waitlist for the 2023-2024 school year. If you would like to be placed on the waitlist for Specials Day, please fill out the waitlist form by selecting "Join the TGIF Waitlist" in the blue box to the leftPlease do not click "Join" on the black navigation bar. This is only for families that have been accepted from the waitlist. If you have questions, please email [email protected] for more information.

To see our Information Packet, Bylaws, and a sample of the classes that we offer, please click on the Links section to the left.  

Our high school tutorial program is open for membership for the 2023-2024 school year.  Please click on the Links section on the left to see more information about this program.  If you have questions or would like to join our tutorial program, please email us at  [email protected] 


We seek to:

  • provide unique, student-centered, activity-based learning opportunities which require group interaction,
  • foster positive Godly relationships among members and provide a support network for moms,
  • provide a convenient, efficient forum for sharing parent/student skills, expertise, and resources, and
  • offer programs of excellent quality, using instructors with expertise and experience in specialized fields.

General Information

We offer:

  • Field Trips
  • Special Events
  • Support Meetings for Parents
  • Specials Day Enrichment Classes on Fridays (Fall and Spring Semesters)
  • High School Tutorial Classes for Credit on Fridays (Full Year Classes)